Chat - perličky z roku nula?

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Chat - perličky z roku nula?

Postby Darkfairy » Tue Jun 14, 2016 1:41 pm

Pár vzpomínek:
8/11 08:15:28.421 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Asherek: co topise
8/11 08:15:31.703 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Legimar: ?
8/11 08:15:32.031 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Asherek: Batle begind
8/11 08:15:34.515 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Legimar: jo
8/11 08:15:37.140 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Legimar: nvm
8/11 08:15:42.906 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Legimar: mas jich 20?
8/11 08:15:47.187 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Asherek: j
8/11 08:15:47.515 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Legimar: qh pise ze nemas xD
8/11 08:15:58.937 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Asherek: jdu to odevzdat
8/11 08:15:59.937 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Legimar: hm je zkourenej
8/11 08:16:13.531 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Asherek: budu tak muset of
8/11 08:16:17.328 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Asherek: musim do banky
8/11 08:16:19.625 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Legimar: ty uz mas all_,
8/11 08:16:20.406 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Asherek: zajet
8/11 08:16:21.093 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Legimar: ?
8/11 08:16:22.375 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Legimar: q?
8/11 08:16:34.968 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Asherek: ach jo
8/11 08:16:38.281 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Asherek: cti co pisu
8/11 08:16:40.546 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Asherek: !
8/11 08:16:42.265 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Asherek: :D
8/11 08:16:42.671 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Legimar: :D
8/11 08:16:47.671 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Legimar: do banky v og?
8/11 08:16:48.171 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Asherek: ze pujdu off
8/11 08:16:56.234 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Asherek: protoze musim zajet do banky
8/11 08:17:01.500 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Asherek: jako v realu

8/11 08:17:02.140 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Legimar: hm aha
8/11 08:17:07.421 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Legimar: D
8/11 08:17:07.593 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Asherek: uz nehraj
8/11 08:17:09.546 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Asherek: !!
8/11 08:17:09.625 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Legimar: xD
8/11 08:17:38.296 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Asherek: na chvili by jsi mel vysadit
8/11 08:17:49.281 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Legimar: hraju o prazdnnach...xD
8/11 08:18:24.343 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Legimar: furt!:D
8/11 08:27:01.437 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Asherek: no ja musim frcet do mesta neco zaridit
8/11 08:27:02.531 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Legimar: ja-?sem normalni :D
8/11 08:27:07.312 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Asherek: a mam hlad
8/11 08:27:08.500 You receive loot: Crystallized Shadow.
8/11 08:27:10.265 You receive loot: Quiver of Dragonbone Arrows.
8/11 08:27:11.765 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Legimar: xD
8/11 08:27:13.031 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Asherek: tak sehnat jidlo
8/11 08:27:17.656 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Asherek: neco ulovit nekde
8/11 08:27:19.718 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Asherek: :D
8/11 08:27:21.000 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Legimar: j :D
8/11 08:27:23.687 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Asherek: ty normalni
8/11 08:27:26.187 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Asherek: nop
8/11 08:27:27.718 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Asherek: no
8/11 08:27:30.515 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Asherek: .............
8/11 08:27:34.156 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Asherek: snad
8/11 08:27:36.156 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Legimar: !!!! a ne?
8/11 08:27:36.937 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Legimar: xD
8/11 08:27:38.000 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Asherek: nemuzu posoudit
8/11 08:27:45.171 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Asherek: vim jen ze jsi Gambler
8/11 08:27:52.156 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Asherek: jak prase
8/11 08:27:57.125 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Asherek: :D
8/11 08:27:59.515 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Legimar: nejsem
8/11 08:28:11.890 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Legimar: ja furt sem venku
8/11 08:28:20.531 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Asherek: jo jo
8/11 08:28:24.250 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Asherek: hi hi
8/11 08:28:29.937 |Hchannel:Party|h[Party]|h Legimar: !!!
8/11 11:24:24.125 [6. world] Sada: NICE BG ;)
8/11 11:24:33.843 [4. LookingForGroup] Simsik: NJ prisel tam simsik xD
8/11 11:24:36.578 [6. world] Trinax: to vis byl sem tam ja :D
8/11 11:25:30.734 [6. world] Benediktxvi: asi si zahraju na schovku nekdy:D
8/11 11:25:33.546 [6. world] Simsik: Tet si du vzit Pribinacka za odmenu
8/11 11:55:40.796 The Alliance Flag was picked up by Legimar!
8/11 11:56:08.468 |Hchannel:Battleground|h[Battleground]|h Benediktxvi: legi utikeeeej
8/11 11:56:11.578 |Hchannel:Battleground|h[Battleground]|h Benediktxvi: kadli lehni
8/11 11:56:32.343 |Hchannel:Battleground|h[Battleground]|h Benediktxvi: sundejte kadliho za kazdou cenu:)
8/11 11:56:56.140 The Horde flag was dropped by Kadlli!
8/11 11:56:56.234 Legimar says: xD
8/11 11:56:57.390 The Horde flag was returned to its base by Lophius!
8/11 11:56:57.843 Legimar captured the Alliance flag!
8/11 11:56:58.031 The Horde wins!
8/11 12:47:26.687 [6. world] Xarii: proste mame schopny GM team xDDD
8/11 12:47:53.390 [6. world] Craxik: tu když napišeš : Nějaký schopný gm ? tak ti nikdo nenapíše:D
8/11 12:48:04.281 [6. world] Emprio: Warrecka muzes mi /w
8/11 12:48:17.078 [6. world] Xarii: ale napise co je to schopne GM :D
8/11 12:48:24.156 [6. world] Craxik: netlač na něj hledá příkaz :D
8/24 20:48:35.312 [6. world] Pelagia: mirro , oddelej ten socialisticky obrazek z webu
8/24 20:48:35.812 [6. world] Minotaurus: omg...mirra vypravi pohadku na dobrou noc xD
8/24 20:48:46.218 [6. world] Veveruska: jj ten obrazek nam dela reklamu jak .... xDD
8/24 20:49:00.015 [6. world] Mirra: inteligentni clovek pochopi ze je to sranda
8/24 20:49:02.687 [6. world] Pelagia: aspon ten komunisticky
8/24 20:49:03.328 [6. world] Pelagia: :D
8/24 20:49:12.343 [6. world] Pelagia: nj ale kazdy neni inteligent .D
8/24 20:49:42.000 [6. world] Lophius: tite neco proti komousum?:D
8/24 20:49:42.015 [6. world] Sapphire: ale notak soudruzi, ja nevim, co proti tomu mate :D
8/24 20:52:52.234 [6. world] Abaddonek: dyby ste radsi misto p*covin opravovali...sak tu ani 6x80 neda debilniho bossa v ZG bo je buglej jak ciganska socialka
8/24 20:54:05.250 [6. world] Wretch: VSICHNI TADY UMREME !
8/24 20:55:03.937 [6. world] Legimar: Horda tahne za 1 provaz :D
8/24 20:55:21.312 [6. world] Fnufi: neviem odkial cerpaju dmg bossov / a creepov v raidoch a pod ale podla ofiku to neni
8/24 20:55:35.687 [6. world] Abaddonek: to cerpaju z ABC

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